Ecological Landscaping Icon - Inhabitect


Landscaping, as Mother Nature intended.

As humans, we’re drawn to places that soothe, that enrich, that sustain. For most, nature fits this bill and provides an escape from the daily grind.

As our communities continue to be developed, we’re losing our natural areas. What once were vegetated spaces are now full of impervious surfaces like parking lots, roadways, driveways, and rooftops. And they’re surrounded by swaths of chemically-laden lawns and ‘go-to’ non-native — sometimes invasive — ornamental plants that need lots of water and a lot of maintenance.

Our designs are built to have limited impact.

At Inhabitect, we look at the bigger picture and take an ecological and sustainable approach to landscaping. We use design practices that are rooted in long-term success, employ native plant materials to manage stormwater, eliminate the cause and effects of erosion, and create natural habitats that encourage biodiversity and environmental richness.

By embracing how natural systems and native plant materials work — and how wildlife and other living creatures use a specific space — we’re able to weave resiliency into the places you live and play.

Ecological Landscaping Benefits

Stormwater Management

We use plants, soils, and other landscaping components for reasons more than just to look nice in an outdoor space. As part of the stormwater treatment train, they’re critical in managing excess water and keeping erosion under control. By implementing ecological and mindful landscaping as a practice of Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI), the amount of rainwater that runs off is greatly reduced and sometimes eliminated altogether.

Resilience to Climate Change

The more diverse an ecosystem, the more resilient it is to change. Natural, ecological landscapes promote biological richness, which allows for the area to easily shift, withstand, recover, and evolve as climate conditions shift.


Landscapes that include a variety of native plants, habitats, and micro-climates provide opportunities for native wildlife and insects to thrive. In creating spaces that closely mimic what was there before development, animal and plant species are able to flourish and secure a space in our ecosystem for generations to come.

Better Air Quality

In nature, plants provide different micro and macro habitats for a variety of wildlife. Having a high functioning and diverse ecosystem means greater CO2 consumption and higher O2 output, which means cleaner air for you and your community.

Let’s Talk

When creating a landscape design, we have one common goal… To design, build, and grow inviting, natural landscapes that have a positive impact on their surrounding ecosystem. Click to schedule a time to talk with us about creating your own.