Glen Lake Residence

Glen Lake, MI

Solutions Provided

Natural-Shorelines Icon - Inhabitect
  • Natural Shoreline – Bioengineering techniques provide the owner with a natural shoreline that’s filled with native plant materials. The diversity of these plants provide support to pollinators and other creatures living within the land/shallow water habitats along this unique parcel.
Ecological Landscaping Icon - Inhabitect
  • Ecological Landscape – We chose plants that are native to this region and ones that will not overrun adjacent wetlands or properties. Each plant was selected for its ability to work harmoniously with the surrounding landscape and to provide the owner with an aesthetic they desired.
Inhabitect Consulting
  • Design & Consulting – Inhabitect worked with the project owner to ensure the character of their property was not overly changed during the construction process. We designed a solution that met their expectations as well as their budget. This shoreline had deep water immediately off shore so it was armored more heavily than other natural shoreline projects.

Project Description

Glen Lake is one of the most beautiful lakes in North America and it is surrounded by the Sleeping Bear National Park. This particular parcel was situated to give the owners a unobstructed view of the Dune Climb in the distance.

The customer first contacted Inhabitect because they had been experiencing significant loss of land and after previous attempts to protect the shoreline failed. These issues where due to wave action, ice push and erosion.

The bioengineering portion of the project used biodegradable erosion blankets, regionally sourced stone, it was planted with 100% natives, that were installed within the water and throughout the varying microclimates and growth zones on this parcel. We worked closely with the owner to ensure the character of their lakefront was preserved while also being reinforced.