Uptown Condominiums

Solutions Provided

  • GSI – Green stormwater infrastructure manages nearly all of the annual rainwater hitting the rooftop, parking lot, and landscape on this project.
Green Roof icon - Inhabitect
  • Green Roof – An extensive green roof — covering over 90% of the total roof areas, across four different structures — is installed over a fully adhered waterproofing membrane.
Green Streets icon - Inhabitect
  • Green Streets – Incorporating resilient stormwater management measures, including green roofs and a rain garden, allows for this site to meet our green street designation.
Rain Garden icon - Inhabitect
  • Rain Garden – A rain garden captures excessive runoff from the green roof, parking lot, and landscape.
Ecological Landscaping Icon - Inhabitect
  • Ecological Landscaping – Use of GSI technologies helps slow down and cool the runoff that does end up leaving this site. This water no longer flows through the contaminated soils that contributed to this site being designated a brownfield.
Inhabitect Consulting
  • Consulting – Inhabitect helped manage this project from concept to completion and worked closely with the architect, structural engineer, and general contractor to ensure success.

Project Description

This project was developed on a site that had previously been used as a dumping ground in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Because of this, the site was designated a brownfield by the State of Michigan and the developers had very specific requirements that needed to be met when dealing with their stormwater and movement of contaminated soils.

Over 10,000 sf of extensive green roofs were installed to manage the majority of annual stormwater hitting the rooftops of this development. This helped the developer reach the density they needed to make the project viable because there was no other location to store stormwater onsite. (The courtyards are filled with underground utilities and, without green roofs, they would have never been able to reach the density they achieved.) These rooftops also helped meet municipal and state level requirements for brownfield reclamation and/or development.

Managing stormwater with green roofs slows the velocity and cools down stormwater before it hits the roof drains and enters the Boardman River. This fact, along with the stormwater no longer being infiltrated through contaminated soils, ensures the site is of higher quality than it was pre-development.